Jul 2, 2021
“Building Conversations” interview with Casey Grey hosted by Passive House Canada. This is the Q&A portion from the recorded webinar. Casey joins CEO of Passive House Canada, Chris Ballard, for a conversation on the importance of team, experience with Passive House, and the upcoming trades training that Passive House Canada is doing.
0:00 Podcast Intro
2:15 Passive House Canada Introduction: Mission, Passive House Certification (classic, plus, premium), ENERFIT
4:15 Casey Introduction
5:08 Interview Casey
5:39 Casey inspiration getting into the Trade
7:20 Casey getting into the business
8:35 The Conscious Builder Mission
10:51 Major hurdles building to higher standards
12:40 Educating prospects/Clients - How much does it cost?
14:05 What clients like the best about the finished home?
16:40 How do we improve the industry and move forward?
18:20 Establishing a sustainable construction business
21:05 What is the Integrated Design Process
23:51 Off Site - Pre fab Construction
26:25 What can building officials do to Improve the Industry?
30:40 How do you address the “green premium”? 10-15% cost increase
34:40 The effect of rising costs do to shortages?
37:20 What would you do differently in business?
40:50 - Audience Q&A Session